Thursday, June 14, 2007

gravity and love

i'm here to rest..
but the beauty
the greatness
of the ocean
overwhelms me
the sun skips across my skin
to the rhythm of the breeze
which cools me as it swings over the beach
a result of the waves
crashing against the rocks
and brushing onto the shore

the moon attracts the earth..
the earth responds
in her waves
so that every coast
on each continent
of this green earth
feels their relationship
whether or not we acknowledged the cause
we experience the effect
like the reality of a Great love
it is powerful
a bond that is unseen
yet felt and understood
every day
in the realities of its existence

my patient said, "we can only fathom God's love like the water in a glass when its really like the water of the ocean in its greatness."

Monday, June 11, 2007

a swelling heart...

oh friends....

thanks to those still checking in with the heart! there's been a lot of ups and downs these last few months, with leaving homes 1 and 2 and starting over in temporary home, ca.

for a few days i withdrew from the world into my new little apartment. i did my best to get out and try things.. and i had fun and enjoyed them, but my heart was aching for st. paul and dewitt. oy.. neighbor bryan commented at one point that i had to run out of tears eventually but it hasn't happened yet! ha!!

about those tears... you see, they aren't tears of sadness as much as tears of overwhelming realization of blessings! i truly love and am grateful for those who've blessed my life by being a part of it.. and seeing almost all of those people within a month has been.. well.. amazing.. so amazing that i cry! i stand in awe....

so i'm starting over and its hard. its good because the CA family is close by and always welcoming. at the same time, i knew i would live a decent drive away from them and at that point i realized it would be good for me... to grow, to make new friends, and as i did in st. paul, make my own home in california.

its going well... my heart still swells when i think of all of you who've touched my life and oft times when that happens, my eyes get all watery.. but God is providing new opportunities, good, bad, and challenging...

the mold continues.

thanks to all for prayers, calls, notes, e-mails, texts, and comments of encouragement.

you people mean the world to me.. i hope you know that!